Baseline Farmers Market 2025 Vendor Application
Baseline Farmers’ Market will run Wednesdays from June 11 to October 1, 2025, from 4:00 - 7:30 pm. The market is located in the Home Depot parking lot, 390 Baseline Road, Sherwood Park. We accept applications throughout the market season. Vendors are accepted into the market using a quota system in order to ensure there are a variety of products for sale and that the vendors get an adequate market share. Please read through the market regulations, procedures and the code of conduct below before filling out the application form at the bottom of this page.
2025 Rates and Payment Options
10 foot stall frontage: $30.00 per day (Rates include GST)
Payment Options:
1. Full Season - $500.00 paid when your application is accepted.
2. Full season payments - $250.00 paid when your application is accepted and $250.00 paid by July 29.
3. Monthly - all dates booked each month must be paid in advance.
4. Weekly - payment must be paid in advance of each market day.
Payments may be made by e-transfer, cheque, money order or cash. Please make cheques or money orders payable to KGW Enterprises. E-transfers may be sent to using the password ‘market’.
Applications from returning vendors will be considered first, however, having been a vendor at the market previously does not automatically guarantee acceptance. The market managers reserve the right to limit market size and to reject applications. All vendors will be contacted regarding acceptance and approval of products. There will be NO REFUNDS once your application has been approved.
Vendors selling food must send their food handling permit when they submit this application.
If you have any questions, phone 780-760-6807 or 780-720-1203 or email
2025 Regulations and Procedures
1. Vendors are only permitted to sell products that have been approved by the market managers. Any changes or additions must be requested in advance of the market day.
2. Products that would be considered competition by Home Depot are not permitted at the market (Ex. cleaners, potted plants and flowers, etc.).
3. Vendors must have cash and carry products at the market to sell. Vendors wanting only to advertise products or services will not be accepted.
4. Used and/or flea market items are prohibited.
5. Vendors are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner at the market. Expected conduct includes proper attire, language, attitudes, and business practices that positively reflect on the reputation and values of the market. Offensive or disruptive conduct is prohibited and will result in expulsion from the market.
6. Vendors are not permitted to leave their stalls to acquire customers, or to distract customers while they are at other vendor's stalls.
7. The Baseline Farmers' Market is a public market, and therefore all food sold must be prepared in an Alberta Health Services inspected facility with a valid food handling permit. Vendors selling food must meet all Alberta Health guidelines. Food products must have proper labeling as dictated by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Vendors offering samples must follow all Alberta Health guidelines.
8. Vendors may reserve stalls on a weekly basis as long as requests are submitted a minimum of 24 hours prior to opening time on each market day. The market managers will confirm location of stalls upon vendor arrival.
9. Set up begins at 2:00 pm as per the rental agreement with Home Depot. Vendors may not begin to set up until the market managers are on site.
10. Vendors must bring their own tables, tents and weights. Tents are not required but are recommended. All tents must be securely anchored with weights (Note: rubber straps are prohibited). Market managers will take down tents that are not sufficiently anchored.
11. All equipment, displays, and signs must be kept within each vendor's allotted space.
12. Vendor spacing and placement is at the sole discretion of the market managers. Vendors are not guaranteed the same stalls each week due to constantly changing vendor attendance.
13. Vendors must be in their stalls by 3:30 pm.
14. Vendors are not permitted to sell to the public prior to the market opening at 4:00 pm. An air horn will be blown to indicate when the market is open.
15. Vendors may not leave early, and stalls may not be disassembled before 7:30 pm. Public safety is the responsibility of everyone at the market. Failure to comply will be grounds for dismissal from future markets with no refunds provided.
16. Vendors are responsible for removing all garbage and recycling from their area and disposing of it off-site (NOT in the market garbages). Vendors operating concessions or offering samples must supply adequately sized garbage containers in a location easily accessible to customers.
17. Vendors are required to pay for their stalls in advance of the market days.
18. All NSF cheques are subject to a $25 processing fee.
19. Both full season and weekly vendors must provide 24 hours notice of cancellation of stalls. Failure to do this will result in the vendor being charged $30.00 for each 10-foot stall which was reserved (this includes full season vendors). In the event of an emergency, vendors must call the market managers at the cell number provided.
20. All stall payments are non-refundable. No refunds will be provided for cancellations. Exchange dates will be offered only if 24 hours notice of cancellation has been provided. If the market is cancelled due to weather or an emergency, vendors will not be refunded stall fees for that day.
21. The Baseline Farmers' Market will run rain or shine. The market will remain open and operational unless active weather requires that it be closed. Active weather is defined as severe thunderstorms or extreme winds. Vendors are not permitted to leave during inclement weather unless the market managers have closed the market. Vendors are not permitted to remain on site if the market has been closed.
22. Vendors are not permitted to bring animals to the market.
23. Vendors are not permitted to smoke or vape within the market.
24. Vendors MAY NOT trade, loan, give or sublease the stalls assigned to them. Stalls may not be shared. Only one vendor may operate per stall, and only one business may operate per stall.
25. Vehicles may not be left running during market hours.
26. Generators must not interfere with other vendors and/or customers.
27. B.C. fruit vendors may only sell B.C. fruit. Fruit from any other province or state is not permitted. Paperwork proving that all fruit is from B.C. must be available at each market.
28. Failure to comply with market regulations, procedures, and/or the code of conduct, will result in the following actions in any order: a verbal warning, a written warning, and/or expulsion from the Baseline Farmers' Market. No refunds will be provided. All decisions made by the market managers are final.
2025 Code of Conduct
As an accepted vendor at the Baseline Farmers’ Market, I will:
1. Conduct myself and all my affairs in a courteous and respectful manner toward the public, all other vendors, market management and market staff.
2. Consistently behave in a way that respects and recognizes the rights and selling opportunities of other vendors.
3. Only use language and communication that is polite, respectful, and conscientious when interacting with anyone at the market.
4. Operate vehicles, equipment, set-up, and take-down in a manner that is safe and responsible for all market participants.
5. Respect and adhere to the Baseline Farmers’ Market Regulations and Procedures outlined in my application.
6. Ensure that no alcohol or other mind-altering drugs that may affect my judgment or my conduct are present in my system while at the market.
7. Sell at the market while making sure all of my products and business practices abide by the laws and regulations set down by Alberta Health Services, Health Canada, and any other relevant agency.
8. Work together with farmers’ market Management to resolve any conflicts or concerns in a calm and cooperative manner to ensure the market day is a good experience for all parties involved.
9. Ensure that all of my staff or those working in my stall are aware of and abide by the Vendor Code of Conduct.
10. By way of my signature on my Application Form, I indicate my understanding and acceptance of this Code of Conduct and the Regulations and Procedures of the Baseline Farmers’ Market and agree to comply with the intention of these documents.
Should a vendor fail to comply with this code of conduct, the market managers will review their indiscretion. Depending on the severity and/or repetition of the offence, the violation may result in a warning letter and/or expulsion from the market.